Monday, July 21, 2008


I have been keeping fish since January 2008, when I got my first fish aquarium from my boyfriend, for a birthday gift. I bought my neon pink and purple gravel with the little plastic plants, and the cute plastic barrel. I got my first two Guppys, one female and one male. I used both for my cycling. I didn't really understand what cycling was at the time, and thought I could keep my two fish in there for a month before adding more. I didn't realize how important cycling was at the time, and not testing for ammonia, and nitrites would kill my fish. I guess I was lucky because both of them didn't die. I added two Rasboras and also a small Japanese algae shrimp. All are alive to this day.

After awhile, I ended up looking into my 10 gallon tank to discover baby fry swimming all over. I was thrilled! I ran down to my local Wal-mart and picked up a 5 gallon tank to host the fry in. I kept putting more and more fry in as my fry became old enough to have babies too. I was over stocked on fish. I gave some away to friends, and luckly I found a LFS store that would take them for free. I will never put, females Guppys in with males again, they really do reproduce likerabbits. Now I only have 5 guppys, two of my original ones and also 3 of their children.

As time passed, I bought a 55 gallon tank to host more fish. Thats when I started taking things serious. I planned my 55 gallon tank 4 months before I got it. I learned everything I could on what to do, to what kinds of fish were compatible.

I am still very new to this hobby, and so far, I am loving it!